Tina, these are the last three photos you sent me on Thursday night. As you can see, the first two are badly out of focus and the ship explosion(?) is better but needs a better lens on your camera, or at least a tripod. I suggest contacting the Esquimalt Military Museum, let them know what you have, and possibly they can copy the album for you. If you donate the album(s) you can get a tax receipt for their appraised value, just as if you donated money to them.
First photo – bad focus. I didn't notice the dog until I viewed the photo on my screen.
Second photo – hard to guess what this is.
Third photo – best of the bunch – a very dramatic and exciting photo. Do you know any details? I think some of the photo edges are missing (camera too close).
My postal address: P.O. Box 20095, Perth, ON, Canada. K7H 3M6.
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