This is the obituary of Mary Ethel Dobie, probably from the Owen Sound newspaper.
Many friends in this city and district, as well as many at Leader, Sask., where she formerly resided, will learn with deep regret of the death of Mrs. Gregor MacDonald, which occurred on Sunday morning at the hospital here, where she had been a patient for the past two months. Mrs. MacDonald and her husband came East to make their home two months ago. A few days after their arrival, Mr. MacDonald died suddenly. His wife's death followed after a two-month interval, during which she had been seriously ill, and their only child, Florence Dobie MacDonald, aged 5, is thus left an orphan.
Deceased, whose maiden name was Mary Ethel Dobie, was born at Thessalon, Ont., a daughter of Mrs. Alice Dobie of this city and the late Joseph Dobie. She came to this district with her parents when she was a child of two, attended Collegiate and the Northern Business College here, trained as a teacher at the Stratford Normal School and taught at Fort William, Port Arthur and Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Eighteen years ago she was united in marriage to Gregor MacDonald, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacDonald of Sullivan Township. They made their home at Leader, Sask., until coming East this past summer.
Besides her little daughter and her mother, deceased leaves to mourn two brothers, J. Victor Dobie of Desboro and Howard Dobie in the Yukon, and three sisters, Isabel, Mrs. Russell Galbraith of Chatsworth, Miss Violet Dobie of Owen Sound and Miss Margaret Dobie of Toronto. A brother, Capt. Milton Dobie, was killed overseas in the First Great War and a sister, Florence, Mrs. W. H. Murphy, passed away 22 years ago.
While residing at Leader, Sask., deceased attended the United Church there.