This is transcribed from pages 54/55 of "Ghosts of the Lake Counties", by Gerald Findler. Published in 1969 by the Dalesman Publishing Co. Ltd., Clapham, Yorkshire.
The little folk of Ireland
Only to favoured families did the little Dobbie attach
himself, and the conditions of his service were simple
For some time no Dobbies have been seen in the Lake District, and the last records around 1850 concern Jack Wilson of Martindale. He was returning home in the moonlight and, nearing Sandwick Rigg, he noticed a large company of Dobbies intensely engaged in their favourite games. They observed him as he drew near, then climbed a little ladder into the sky. At the time of the construction of the Lancaster to Carlisle railway it was said that the Dobbies were angry at such a disturbance and started pulling down the big bridge at Shap. Perhaps with the modernisation of the roads the fairies or dobbies have, like many of the boggles and ghosts, deserted Lakeland for ever.