This is a photo of the wedding of Joshua Coatsworth Dobie and Dora Lovell Meikle, at the home of Dora's parents, John Lovell Meikle and Jean Milne, In Port Arthur, (now part of Thunder Bay), Ontario, Canada. I've identified (and guessed at) as many people as I can but they are few and far between.
Standing far left, mid-foreground, might be Jean Milne, mother of the bride; woman in white next right might be Althea (Dickson) Dobie, wife of the man next right, who must be Edward James Biggings Dobie, brother of the groom; next right is the groom, Joshua Coatsworth Dobie; next right is the bride, Dora Lovell Meikle; next right must be Mary Elizabeth Dobie, sister of the groom; next right might be Isabelle (Bell) Dobie, eldest sister of the groom; the next two bridemaids to the right are unknown, but one of them might be Annie Louisa Dobie from Kamloops, BC; next right is quite certainly John Lovell Meikle, father of the bride; next right, holding hat, is William Currie Dobie, father of the groom; next right is unidentified.